Well, I can now say that I am truly a wife/mother when getting a new washer and dryer is like winning a shopping spree in Milan! (Well, maybe not that great...but close!) A little background info might be helpful for some of you...We had, until recently, a free, hand-me-down washer and dryer. Now the washer wasn't so bad but the dryer..oh boy! First of all it didn't even stop on it's own and it took about 4 hours to dry 5 pairs of jeans! It also got in the bad habit of sucking up Jillian's clothes and "burning" them and leaving poo poo looking stains on everything. Needless to say, we needed a new set! So, we went down to Lowes and purchased a new set. Now, we didn't get the fancy "Lexus" models, but we didn't settle for the "Kia" either. The set we got is kind of a mid-range "Toyota" set. Hey...I am so happy I can't stop doing laundry!
Look! We got the pedestals too!!!

Jillian "modeling" on top of the new washer

Ta Da!!!!!!!! Aren't they beautiful?!!!

Daddy and Jillian watching the clothes wash