Sunday, March 29, 2009

Girl's Day Out

Today Jillian and I spent a little time out shopping...just the two of us. We went to Old Navy (picked up my supply of flip-flops for the season and a pair of way-cute jammies for Jill) and then headed to Kohls. Jillian has recently started this trend of not wanting to stay in buggies or strollers when we are out, so today I decided, "What the hey!" I will just let her run around with me! OOOH! Not the best idea I've ever had! No, really, she wasn't too crazy. We checked out the toy department (her new favorite thing to do in stores) and while I had my back turned to look at something, this is what she was doing:

Yes, that's right folks! She had climbed onto the bottom shelf and was helping herself to the toys!

"Hmm? What is this thing?"

"Mom! Look at this cool alphabet game!"

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