Saturday, March 28, 2009

Little Ms. Green Thumb

My daughter is brilliant! Okay, I may be a little biased, but really. Last week we went to play at the Stark's and she picked up a shovel and knew exactly what to do with it! She then proceeded to pick up a hoe and of course, knew how to use it too! Now, this news may not effect everyone the way it does C.J and me, but if you know us than you would understand why this brings tears to our eyes! We love to garden and be outside so it just touches our hearts that our daughter has inherited the gene for the love of the outdoors just as we did from out parents! We can't wait to get her her own little garden set and put her to work!! :) (Some of these pics are from last weekend when we were doing some planting).

It's a hard day's work plowing this patio! Phew!!

What ch'a planting Jillie?

"Look at all of those weeds to pull!"

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