Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Fun!

I posted a video a few days ago of Jillie hunting Easter eggs and promised pictures to come...so here they are! A little background info first. For Jillian's first "real" Easter we had quite the family affair! My sisters, Alissa and Laura, both came to visit as did Jillian's Memaw (CJ's mom) and her Aunt Jessica and Uncle Johnny. On Saturday evening we celebrated Alissa and Penny's birthdays and then colored Easter eggs. Jillian did so good! She would drop her eggs in the dye and even "colored" on a few with a clear wax crayon. She and her Daddy also got into the stickers and the ones that didn't end up on Jillian's face ended up in her mouth! Ooops. No worries. She didn't swallow any. :) Jillian loved her Easter basket and decided that her favorite surprise was her Goldfish crackers. She carried them around for about 10 minutes until I finally got her to look through the rest of the basket where she had books and eggs filled with Teddy Grahams! Yummy! No Peeps for Jillie this year!

Jillian's first Easter Egg Dying Party!

Who's the child here? Hee, hee!

"Oooh! Goldfish, my favorite!"

"Could somebody help me with this basket, it's heavy!"

The Morrow Family Easter Pic

1 comment:

kestrel said...

Your little girl Jillian is really adorable. We do not celebrate Easter here so have never done Easter egg hunting. How old is she? Your blog background is unique