Well, the Morrow's kicked off the summer season, yet again, with a trip down to Port Aransas. We have made this trip (stayed in the same condo and everything) for the past 5 years (excluding last summer because Jillian was so little). This year our friends Pat and Darren (no, they are not a couple!!) and my sister Alissa joined us in the festivities. We were so excited for this year's trip because Jillian loves water and sand and we were hoping that she would take to the beach as well. Also, we are planning another beach trip with my family to Alabama in June and were wanting it to be just as fun! We were going to be able to leave early Friday morning so we would have the rest of the afternoon to hang out once we got there. Well, things got a little of course. First thing Friday morning, truck packed and ready to go, we headed out to my friend Erin's to drop of our dog Belle. Not even 100 yards from her house, dropping Belle off, Jillian threw up all over herself (paci in mouth, yuck) and her car seat. Yes. So we pulled over, changed her clothes (took temp...no fever), cleaned off the car seat as as we could (the truck would smell of baby puke the whole way down there) and then got back on the road! Jillian was fine after that and even took a little nap for the first couple of hours of the trip. After stopping for lunch in San Antonio (by the way...Jillian was great this whole time too) we headed out on Highway 37 down to Corpus. Well, road bump #2...All of the sudden we hear this "pop" sound and then a flapping noise and Alissa says, "I think we had a blow out". Well, knowing C.J's past with blow outs (he has had 3 with our trailor, one recently) this wasn't welcoming news. We pull over and sure enough....blow out! We were exactly 111 miles from Corpus (we pull over right in front of the sign). C.J was such a man about the whole situation! He changed the tire as Alissa, Jillian, and I looked at the cows in a nearby field. After this fiasco, we were really back on the road and didn't have any road blocks after that! Once we got there, C.J went fishing so Alissa and I took Jillian down to the beach..just to have a look. Holy cow! She loved it! I could hardly keep her out of the water (and from charging straight in to the ocean!). The rest of the trip was a success too. Jillian loved swimming in the pool that is right outside of our condo door, playing in the sand with her new toys, and playing in the ocean.Infact, she loved it so much, I was actually asking myself, "Why can't my kid be the one who wants to hold your hand and be cautious going in? Heck no! Mine is the one who won't hold your hand and would probably dive head first if I let her! (My mom will say that is like how I was .) She will definitly be looking forward to our next beach trip, as will we! Also, just to make some of your mouths water, we bought fresh fish and seafood every night and grilled out instead of going out to eat. C.J also made pina colada's with fresh coconut and pineapple! This was fabulous! The Amberjack was my favorite but Darren's shrimp and scallop cabobs were a close second!!! Yummy!
Jillian and Mommy "laying out"

Jillian feeding the sea gulls

Jillian eating watermelon..yummy! (She actually liked the rhine almost more)

Jillian's first encounter with the water!

Daddy and Jillian playing in the sand under the shade.

Daddy and Jillian playing the water

The Morrow's posing in the ocean. Aren't we cute?

Three Men and a Baby! (Pat, C.J, Darren, and Jillie)
Cute Pics!!!! Kennedy has the same suit..
i totally will....
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