Monday, February 16, 2009

One Year Check Up

Well, today was another one of those dreadful doctor's visits when Jillian had to get another round of boosters! She was such a trooper, though, even though she got 4 big ones! Poor baby! Here are the stats from today's visit too:

Height: 27 3/4 inches

Weight: 20.10 lbs

Percentile: 25% all around!!!

She is getting so big! She has had her 2 bottom teeth since about November, but is just now beginning to cut her top 2! Of course the lack of teeth hasn't slowed her down! She eats like she has a mouthful! She is fully mobile and getting into everything! She babbles all the time, but is still only really saying "Dada". "dog", "ook (book), "huh", and although she hardly ever says it, she can say "Mama". She is so smart and talented and I can't wait to introduce her to those of you who haven't met her yet!

Our little clown!!!

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