Friday, February 20, 2009

We have been stuck!

Well, it is official! The Morrow family, yes, family, has been struck by the stomach bug!!!! First my poor little angel woke up Wed morning with, yuck, throw up everywhere and bad, bad poo. CJ and I tagged-teamed her by him staying home with her in the morning and me in the afternoon. By Wed evening we thought the worst had passed...We thought wrong! I woke up Thurs morning with horrible stomach pains and nausea. I went on to work (what a trooper I am!) and ended up leaving a little early after getting sick and Jillie's babysitter calling me to say that she had 2 liquid diapers and needed to be picked up! So, Jillie and I headed home and spent the rest of the day on the couch reading books and sleeping. CJ, our savior, came home, gave me some ginger ale and soup (which I couldnt eat) and then not even 2 hrs later he darted past me from the office to the bathroom and spent the next 3 hrs throwing up and other unmentionables! What a group we were! CJ, running back and forth the the bathroom, me laying in bed with my stomach pain and nausea, and Jillian, asleep for the moment but would wake up Friday morning with more liquid poo! CJ actually had his brother (Thank You Johnny) come and take him to the ER at about 1 am so that he could get a saline IV and other meds to help with the vomiting and now dehydration! Today, we are both supposed to be going out of town, CJ to San Antonio for his brother's bachelor party and me to Dallas for my sister's birthday! Hopefully we will ALL start to feel better as the day goes on! (Oh, and CJ mom's has all of the same gunk! Wow! We sure got taken out!) The worst part about all of this is that I, who didn't feel great at all, was at least better off than CJ, so I had to step up and take care of Jillian and the house! No day off for me!! Well, I guess it is all apart of being a parent! No more selfish sick days! Hope eveyone else stays well!


The Unruhs said...

OH man:( so sorry to hear that. We have the same thing in the Unruh house.... Day Care Bug

Lisa Mae said...

Ugh! There is nothing that I hate more than the stomach bug. Sounds like it is going around Abilene. I remember the first time we all got it with Cole. He had just turned one and it went through the entire household. I seriously have never been that sick in my life! I like CJ had to go in for some IV fluids. After that experience I'm terrified of that stupid stomach bug stuff. It sounds like you are in good spirits despite it. Hope it is almost behind you guys.

Erin said...

I hope everyone is feeling better soon!