Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Attack of the Killer Spahgetti O's!!!

Last week I decided that Jillian should have her first Spahgetti O's experience! Considering the fact that I ate like a can a day when I was pregnant with her, I figured she would enjoy them! And boy did she! She had them everywhere, of course, but actually managed to get a lot of them in her mouth! She loved the meatballs too! Yummy!

Oooh! These are really good!

Can you see some of the Spahgetti O's in her hair? Yes, hair.

Big girls HAVE to feed themselves...with utensils, too!

Here she is with the spoon on her head! Crazy kid!

1 comment:

Erin said...

ooh are those chef boyardee or the annie Organic ones? Abby can eat a whole can of those Annie spaghetti'os in one sitting. They are GOOD!!